Form Title: Recommendation Form for Graduate Programs in Psychology - Tel Aviv University
Purpose of Form:
This form is used to gather recommendations for applicants to graduate programs in psychology at various universities, including Tel Aviv University. The purpose is to collect evaluations from referees who have known the applicant and can provide insights into their qualifications and suitability for the program.
Required Sections for Completion:
1. Applicant Information: The applicant's name, program of interest, and identification number must be provided.
2. Referee Information: The referee (the person completing the form) should specify their name and title. They should also indicate how long they have known the applicant and in what capacity (e.g., seminar/lecture, research assistant, teaching assistant, therapy, other).
3. Rating of Applicant Relative to Other Students: The referee is asked to rate the applicant's performance compared to other students they have taught over the past three years. They can choose from four options, ranging from above 90% of students to not above 70% of students.
4. Expectation for Completing Master's Degree with Distinction: The referee is asked to assess whether they believe the applicant will complete the Master's degree with distinction, choosing from options such as "Definitely yes," "Very possibly," "Possibly," or "No."
5. Rating of Specific Qualities and Aptitudes: The referee is required to rate the applicant on several qualities and aptitudes using a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is the highest rating. These qualities include analytic and integrative ability, systematic scientific thinking, research project design and implementation, originality, verbal self-expression, motivation, emotional maturity and stability, empathy and sensitivity to others, openness to criticism and other points of view, and responsibility and ethical behavior. The referee is also asked to provide their level of confidence in each rating.
6. Recommendation for Admission into Research and Clinical Programs: The referee is asked to recommend whether the applicant should be admitted into a research program and a clinical/treatment/applied program. They can choose from options like "Worth admitting under all conditions," "Strongly recommend admitting," "Recommend admitting," "Admit if space permits," or "Do not admit." They are also required to provide their level of confidence in these recommendations.
7. Additional Comments: The referee is encouraged to provide any additional comments about the applicant's qualifications, strengths, weaknesses, or unique qualifications relevant to graduate study.
8. Referee Information: The referee should provide their full name, institution, position, and signature at the end of the form.
The completed form should be sent directly to the university's specified address (not provided in the text).
Please note that the form does not contain the applicant's name, which would typically be added by the applicant themselves before submitting it to the referee.
סורקים את הרשת בכדי להביא לכם את כל הטפסים הנדרשים למילוי מול הרשויות, ומצרפים לכם מדריכים מפורטים בכדי להקל על התהליך.
*לידיעתכם: האתר טופס קל הוא פורטל טפסים פרטי ואינו קשור בשום צורה לגופים ממשלתיים כאלו או אחרים. המידע מוגש לטובת הציבור אך עלולות ליפול טעויות במידע או שהמידע המוצג עלול להיות לא מעודכן ולכן אין להסתמך על המידע בצורה מוחלטת אלא יש לבדוק את הטפסים בטרם שליחתם עם הגופים המנפיקים.
אין לראות במידע המופיע באתר משום הבטחה לתוצאה כלשהי ו/או אחריות לאופן הפעילויות של השירותים המסופקים בו או המידע שמוצג בו. האתר לא יהיה אחראי לשום נזק, ישיר או עקיף, אשר ייגרם לגולש כתוצאה מהסתמכות על מידע המופיע באתר ו/או בקישורים לאתרים אחרים ו/או כל מקור מידע פנימי ו/או חיצוני אחר ו/או שימוש בשירותים ובמידע אשר מוצגים על ידו.
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